Gaelbhratach at a Glance

On BoardOn Board
There is a waiting list in place to partilcipate in the programme, therefore the school may need to wait for a period of time until a space becomes available. You will be contacted as soon as there is a place for your school to get the ball rolling. It is at this point the school is considered ‘on board’.
When a school accepts the place offered to them, they will be provided with a workshop/workshops to explain the context, structure and goals of the programme. Lots of examples and practical ideas will be provided to ensure that the school starts off on the right foot.
The Gaelbhratach team are always available to support schools participating in the programme, be that in the form of phone calls, virtual/personal visits or via email. Furthermore, workshops are available through the education centres and practical material is regularly shared on our social media channels.
There are, of course, structures and targets in place as part of the programmme but it is up to the schools themselves to assess their progress. There are different circumstances at play in different schools and they all start out with their own personal goals. It is our policy to never draw comparison between schools or foster any sense of competition.
Flags are awarded to post-primary schools every year if they are deemed to have achieved the targets to a satisfactory level. It takes two years at primary level to implement the targets properly and see any significant change. Primary schools are entitled to apply to renew the flag every second year from that point forward.
The Gaelbhratach team continually search for, create and share ideas that help promote conversation in Irish. Here you will find some examples from our Youtube channel and Pinterest page. Feel free to use, download and share.